The Sun was sending its beautiful waves towards me and as I was sitting under a tree it felt heavenly but as soon as I stepped away from the shade I could feel the intensity of the waves.I wished there were more trees to protect us from these heat waves.
I was thinking on how this Blog could be shaped in the upcoming days and weeks .I decided from next week , I am going to dedicate each week for a specific topic and niche and make sure to blog on that particular areas alone.Meanwhile was thinking what I need to write for today.
Should I write an incident that had happened in the past?
Should I write a story ?
Should I write a poetry ?
or Should I write at all :P
Then as I am typing this I have come to a conclusion , I am going to write on the Group Discussion topics given during the interview process.And the topic was "Skill vs Will " Which is more important in life.
So First of all Let's understand what is skill ?
And how is Skill classified into ?
Skill is nothing but the ability of a person to do and complete a task in a successful manner and also which showcases the expertise of the particular person.
And the types of skills are : Hard Skills and soft skills .\
Hard Skills focuses on the IQ.Meanwhile,
Soft Skills focuses on EQ.
So for a person in order to be successful in life , He/she needs balance both the hard and soft skills in the right way like yin and yang.
Meanwhile what is Will ?
Although I am not able to write an exact definition for Will ,these words of Subramaniya Bharathi pops in my mind.
In a beautiful poem , Bharathi says,
"Where there is a will ; there is a way ,
But O'Heavens where is the way to find the will,
In thyself"
So, we all do have a will.Its either up - to us , to focus on what we can do at this point of time using the skills and progress forward or give up.
A person who might not have the necessary skills but if he/she doesn't have the will ,then it is really difficult to make the person tick because Skill can be developed anytime but in order for the skill to be developed will is needed.
So here is my own example :
I was living in my village till my 3rd standard and then made my transition towards the city life because my parents decided to provide me better education.Initially the transition was difficult as Village life was extremely pleasant and peaceful and I was comfortable too.But the transition gained me a new set of friends who were smart and better in every possible way.
I had two options during my early transition period(i.e) my friend they had a very good communicative skill,meanwhile I can try really hard and make sure i acquire that particular skill or I can simply choose not to.
But to grit and my determination I have constantly improved, participated in multiple events,compered during my school's 25th anniversary and won in many events and also failed in many.
Each time I failed it is my will that pushed me forward. I am grateful for those moments and also I feel happy for those moments when I attained success in my life.
Although skill is needed , will is most important for any person who is living on this planet Earth.
With that being said,
This is Fredrick Xavier signing off .
Lets meet tomorrow with another amazing blog post.
--- Peace ---
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